Join Cowboy Dressage World

"Saddle up and get started on the journey of a lifetime."

Join us and spread the word of Soft Feel

You don't have to be a member of our Cowboy Dressage® World in order to ride with Soft Feel, but when it's for FREE, why wouldn't you?

Everyone can join, whether you're a novice or a senior. Whether you ride an Arabian, a thorough bred, a Fjord horse or a mule. Whether you ride recreationally, you're a jumper or a Grand Prix dressage rider, whether you have your own riding facilities or not, everyone who wants to ride and train his horse with Soft Feel and as a Partnership can join.  

Look around you, be curious
In Europe disciplines as natural horsemanship, centered riding, classical dressage, Working Equitation and the biomechanics of the horse already have a widespread and growing fan base.  The teachings of horsemen as Pat Parelli, Jeff Sanders, Steve Halfpenny and many more fit very well with Cowboy Dressage®. The classical dressage principle of self-carriage has its origins in Europe. And one of the creeds of Cowboy Dressage® is that you are never to old too learn, it is a lifetime journey. Look around you, be curious and keep learning. 

But remember, in Cowboy Dressage® it is all about the Soft Feel, it is our mindset, our way of life. So if you have the opportunity to join in with an official Cowboy Dressage® Clinic, Playday or Gathering; do it! You won't regret it.

Read on here to find out more about our Handshake and Remuda memberships.

Even though Facebook might not be everybody's favourite, it is a great way to communicate across borders. Your favourite clinician and even the CDW Partners are just a click away. 

Cowboy Dressage® has a general national Facebook page for just about every country. (see European list here) 
And specialty pages about the Vaquero style, Gaited Horses and Handshake Members, to name but a few. 

It is also an easy way to share your own Cowboy Dressage® experiences with your friends. When used wisely, it truly can be a useful communication and information tool.


Click here to give your Handshake


Join the Cowboy Dressage Remuda